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Architektur Forum Ostschweiz (ed.)

Raum. Zeit. Kultur

Anthologie zur Baukultur

Book design: Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, 
Larissa Kasper, St. Gallen

German, 164 pages, 22 × 32,5 cm
ca. 120 images, softcover with semi transparent dust jacket

Euro (D) 39.–, Euro (A) 40.–

ISBN 978-3-03863-019-7

CHF   39.00

The Most Beautiful Swiss Book award

To stimulate discourse on local building culture in Switzerland, the editor, Architektur Forum Ostschweiz, initiated a series of articles that first appeared in the regional daily press, which has now been bundled as a collection, and includes supplementary in-depth essays on topics such as regional building or building in the Alps.

This publication introduces noteworthy buildings as well as landscape and settlement planning schemes realised in the Cantons of Schaffhausen, Thurgau, St. Gallen, both Appenzells, Glarus, Grischun as well as the Principality of Liechtenstein, such as Trutg dil Flem in Flims, the development of Chantun Sur in Pontresina, St. Gallen Canton Hospital, the new building on the summit of Chäserugg or Murg-Auen-Park in Frauenfeld.

The publication investigates their cultural significance with respect to architecture – focussing on the meaning of the particular project for society. Three in-depth essays pick up and discuss leading themes that emerge in the articles. In that way, this book contributes importantly to a comprehensive and fundamental discourse on building culture in all areas of planning and building within and beyond the borders of Switzerland.

Articles by Gerhard Mack, Marina Hämmerle, Rahel Hartmann Schweizer, Martin Tschanz.

Essays by Thomas Schregenberger, Ueli Vogt, Andrea Wiegelmann.

Presented projects (selection):

Kantonsstrasse in Arbon (Beratung Staufer & Hasler, Frauenfeld)

Werkof Balzers (FL) (Ivan Cavegn, Schaan)

Gipfelgebäude auf dem Chäserrug (Herzog & de Meuron, Basel)

Wegeverbindung Kantonsschule Chur (Esch Sintzel, Zürich)

Stadtpark Murgwiese, Frauenfeld (Staufer & Hasler,)

Stege über die Murg und Trutg dil Flem (Jürg Conzett, Chur)

Verwaltungs-und Produktionsgebäude, Herisau (Arge Keller.Hubacher.Seifert)

Überbauung Chantun Sur, Pontresina (Peter Märkli, Zürich, mit Marchet Saratz, Christof Ansorge, Ingrid Burgdorf, Alex Herter)

Militärkantine St. Gallen (Rüesch & Rechsteiner, St. Gallen)

Rock & Pop Center, St. Gallen (Daniel Cavelti, St. Gallen)

Mehrfamilienhäuser Gerberstrasse (PARK Architekten, Zürich)

Restaurierung und Umnutzung Lokremise, St. Gallen (Isa Stürm & Urs Wolff, Zürich)

Fachhochschule St. Gallen (Giuliani Hönger, Zürich)

Umbau Hauptpost St. Gallen zu Kantons- und Stadtbibliothek (Barão-Hutter, St. Gallen)

Kantonsspital SG, Neubau Trakt für Pathologie und Rechtsmedizin (Herzog & de Meuron).

About the Editor

Architektur Forum Ostschweiz,

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