ZHAW (eds.), Moana Heussler, Peter Jenni, Stefan Kurath
Räumliche Leitbilder erarbeiten
Ein Vademecum in 6 Phasen und mit 26 Fragen
Book design: Schätti und Lehmann, Zurich
German, 114 pages, 14,5 × 23,2 cm
German, 114 pages, 14,5 × 23,2 cm
clothbound hardcover
Euro (D) 29.–, Euro (A) 29.80
Euro (D) 29.–, Euro (A) 29.80
The ultimate aim of any spatial model is to define qualities, emphasise strengths and, at the same time, to determine and sustain scope for development. Model processes for the elaboration of development concepts and representation of development guidelines have become an established part of the development of municipalities, cities and urban quarters. When it comes to day-to-day planning and development projects, this type of spatial model is a strategic tool that can help to establish an early basis for correct and holistically harmonised decisions as well as to deploy existing means as efficiently as possible.
Developing a model and then implementing it can be compared to a journey with an uncertain destination. We have prepared a travel companion for you in the form of a Vademecum (Latin: “go with me”). 26 questions help to explain key events and possible obstacles that can occur during a model process.
This book not only addresses politicians, authorities, architectural and planning firms, but all those interested in elaborating or organising model processes together with participating residents.
Our Vademecum is based on a three-year KTI research project “Planungsverfahren städtebaulicher Quartierentwicklungsleitbilder” (Planning Process for Urban Quarter Development Models), which was undertaken together with the following project partners:
Departement Soziale Arbeit der ZHAW, Amt für Städtebau Zurich, Stadtentwicklung and Amt für Städtebau Winterthur, as well as planning offices Feddersen & Klostermann, Suter von Känel Wild and yellow Z. Findings were discussed, evaluated and compiled for this publication by an advisory body consisting of the following experts: Heidi Haag, VLP-ASPAN; Angelus Eisinger, RZU; and Andreas Sonderegger, Pool Architekten.
Developing a model and then implementing it can be compared to a journey with an uncertain destination. We have prepared a travel companion for you in the form of a Vademecum (Latin: “go with me”). 26 questions help to explain key events and possible obstacles that can occur during a model process.
This book not only addresses politicians, authorities, architectural and planning firms, but all those interested in elaborating or organising model processes together with participating residents.
Our Vademecum is based on a three-year KTI research project “Planungsverfahren städtebaulicher Quartierentwicklungsleitbilder” (Planning Process for Urban Quarter Development Models), which was undertaken together with the following project partners:
Departement Soziale Arbeit der ZHAW, Amt für Städtebau Zurich, Stadtentwicklung and Amt für Städtebau Winterthur, as well as planning offices Feddersen & Klostermann, Suter von Känel Wild and yellow Z. Findings were discussed, evaluated and compiled for this publication by an advisory body consisting of the following experts: Heidi Haag, VLP-ASPAN; Angelus Eisinger, RZU; and Andreas Sonderegger, Pool Architekten.
About the Authors
Institut Urban Landscape, Departement Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen, ZHAW (editors)
Moana Heussler, BSc in Architektur und CAS in Quartierentwicklung. Wiss. Assistentin am Institut Urban Landscape
Peter Jenni, Architekt mit Master in Städtebau, Dozent und Projektleiter am Institut Urban Landscape
Stefan Kurath, Architekt und Urbanist, Professor für Architektur und Städtebau und Leitung des Instituts Urban Landscape zusammen mit Regula Iseli.
Moana Heussler, BSc in Architektur und CAS in Quartierentwicklung. Wiss. Assistentin am Institut Urban Landscape
Peter Jenni, Architekt mit Master in Städtebau, Dozent und Projektleiter am Institut Urban Landscape
Stefan Kurath, Architekt und Urbanist, Professor für Architektur und Städtebau und Leitung des Instituts Urban Landscape zusammen mit Regula Iseli.
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