Philippe Koch, Andreas Jud, ZHAW Institut Urban Landscape (eds.)
Bauen ist Weiterbauen
Lucius Burckhardts Auseinandersetzung mit Architektur
Book Design: Büro 146, Zurich
168 pages, ca. 120 images
15,5 × 24 cm, softcover
• Highlights the so far undocumented creative period of Lucius Burckhardt for the Swiss architecture journal "werk"
• Explains Burckhardt’s architectural-sociological stance and highlights its current importance
• Burckhardt’s
significance for Swiss architecture, which has so far been underestimated, is now being reclassified
• Bonus: The "werk" articles to which the book relates can be downloaded via QR code.
Bauen ist Weiterbauen deals with Lucius Burckhardt’s (1925–2003) analysis of architecture and urban planning as editor of the werk journal from 1962 to 1972. In a time of transition, Burckhardt gave werk a new direction. In doing so, he shaped the self-image of an entire generation of Swiss architects. Nevertheless, Burckhardt rarely plays a role in Swiss architectural history, or often only one-sidedly as a representative of a non-architectural and rather sociological approach to the discipline.
There has been a lack of serious discussion on Burckhardt’s architectural-sociological considerations so far. This book closes this gap. Lucius Burckhardt viewed the relationship between architecture and society from different perspectives, sometimes laconic and mocking, sometimes philosophical and profound, but always differentiated. For him, architecture is a medium and not a mirror of social conditions. This book therefore provides additional impetus to reassess Burckhardt`s work and his impact on Swiss architectural history.
Finally, the topicality of Burckhardt’s thinking and work is illuminated, for instance, his demand to understand construction as a continuous process is an urgent one in view of the requirements of interior development and a careful use of existing resources.
Burckhardt’s creative period at werk has never been examined or presented.
Texts and extensive image material provide a comprehensive insight into the architectural and urban development discussion of the time, further deepened in a discussion of individual, formative projects. And of course, the book cannot do without a number of comments, for which Burckhardt was famous – or rather infamous – at the time.
With contributions by Daniel Kurz, editor-in-chief werk, bauen + wohnen, Markus Ritter, Lucius und Annemarie Burckhardt foundation, and Stefan Kurath, Institut Urban Landscape, ZHAW.
About the Editors
Prof. Dr. Philippe Koch (born 1977) works as a political scientist and urban researcher at the Institut Urban Landscape of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW. For more than ten years, he has been involved in theoretical and applied research as well as teaching on the interactions between politics and urban space.
Andreas Jud (born 1981) is an architect and works as a research assistant at the Institut Urban Landscape of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW. Together with fellow architect Patric Furrer, he established Furrer Jud Architects in Zurich in 2008.
Andreas Jud (born 1981) is an architect and works as a research assistant at the Institut Urban Landscape of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW. Together with fellow architect Patric Furrer, he established Furrer Jud Architects in Zurich in 2008.
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